Coaching Overview
Volunteer coaches are an important part of the North Portland Soccer Club. All teams include at least one head coach, an assistant coach, and team manager. Each season, coaches must register to volunteer here. You can complete this process at the same time you're registering your players (if you have kids in the club). Once your registration is submitted, a background check will be completed and you'll need to complete the Federal SAFESPORT Training.
Before the start of every season, all new and returning coaches MUST attend a coaches meeting hosted by our Program Director. Coaches who are not able to attend the meeting need to reach out to omar@northportlandsoccer.com to schedule a one-on-one.
In addition to undergoing a background check, all coaches MUST register for the Federal SAFESPORT Coaching Program
Above is a link to this year’s instructions for SAFESPORT for those who are required to take the course. Please note that all coaches, admins, team managers, etc., must complete this online certificate to be able to participate with your club. The instructions provided are for both NEW and RETURNING coaches etc.
For this process to work in a way that is easier on all of us, the information entered into SAFESPORT must match exactly (First Name, Last Name, and Email) as entered by the user to when they registered with your club. This allows the system to be updated electronically/automatically when they have completed the course without any of us having to interevent manually or uploading information. Thanks!
noposc Coaching Guidelines
Coaches will arrive at practice sessions and games at least 10 minutes prior to the time the team is expected to arrive.
Two adults (at least one of which has completed a background check) are present at all times during all games, practices and other events. (Coaches should encourage team parents who think they may be actively involved at practices or games to have a background check done at the beginning of the season).
Fields will be inspected for hazards before practices and games.
Playing in unsafe conditions including lightning storms will be avoided.
Players will use proper equipment and gear.
Players will stay well hydrated.
Coach will not leave until all players are picked up or accounted for.
A copy of the Medical Authorization form for each player will be on hand at ALL games AND practices.
Players without the appropriate player registration card, if applicable, will not be allowed to participate in games.
Work closely with a assistant coach or team manager to facilitate off-field activities for the team.
Coaches encourage parent involvement in the support functions for the teams. Maintain open communication with parents.
Hold a parents meeting at the start of the season. This can be done before or after a practice or game.
It is highly recommended that all coaches complete first aid training
Maintain a positive and professional attitude at all times when representing NOPO.
Set a high standard for sportsmanship, respectfulness and fair play with all players, referees, parents and coaches.
Understand and behave at all times under the standards set forth by mission, philosophies and rules of NOPOSC.
Understand and behave at all times under the standards set forth by respective league and organization in which team is participating.
Keep updated on PYSA, FIFA, and other applicable rules and regulations.
Monitor and manage parent sideline behavior.
Encourage a balance of family, school and soccer.
Communicate with NOPO Program Director with concerns, questions or clarifications.
Have questions about coaching? Reach out to our Program Director, omar@northportlandsoccer.com.